Kathmandu to Banbasa-Gadda chouki(Mahendranagar) bus ticket
Kathmandu to Banbasa-Gadda chouki bus ticket,Kathmandu to Banbasa-Gadda chouki bus ticket cost,Kathmandu to Banbasa-Gadda chouki bus distance,Kathmandu to Banbasa-Gadda chouki bus time,Kathmandu to Banbasa-Gadda chouki bus ticket counterKathmandu to Mahendra Nagar(Gadda chouki) Bus service. From Banbasa(India Side)there are regular Bus to Himalchal Pradesh,Haridwar,Chandrigadh,Kulu-Manali etc. Book Kathmandu to Banbasa Mahendranagr bus to visit onward destination to India from Nepal.
Book online Bus from Kathmandu to Banbasa and Gadda chouki(MahendraNagar).We can delivery the ticket to the Lumbini from our agency. Kathmandu to Mahendra Nagar Night bus ticket. Both AC and Non AC Bus reservation. It takes 12 hours to reach Mahendranagar from Kathmandu Nepal.
From the Gadda chouki there are available regular Bus to Delhi,Haridwar,Chandrigath and other parts of India.
You can phone at 9851005685 for the Bus ticket reservation.